I packed while Ari played video games. When I was mostly finished Ari and I went to a local taverna so that I could keep my promise of one more Greek meal. We choose one that was close by and almost always empty. Wasn't the best tsatsiki and salad we'd had but it sufficed.
So once again told me how much he was going to miss Greece. I wonder if he will continue to learn Greek and really apply himself. I fear his desire to continue and matter it will soon be forgotten because children forget that which is not immediate.
We returned home, finished packing, printed boarding passes, and said goodbye to Sasha and Elina. The family gifted Ari with a book of Aesop's fables in Greek that they think he will be able to read and understand in a year. Eleni gave me gifts for Andrea and a "dad of the year" certificate that she and Giannis signed to hang on my wall. Eleni and Ari talked about learning more Greek via Skype.
Eleni, Vasilis, and Irini drove us to the airport. They waited in the terminal with us until we boarded. We talked about Greek and English and the vacation. I once again invited Vasilis and Irini to visit us in Michigan to learn some English, though with what they have heard about Michigan mosquitoes they probably fear death by blood loss. Facebook posts from my wife about grey clouds of mosquitoes don't help much. Given the size of Kalymnos spiders I'm not sure who has it worse, us or them.
Giannis wanted to make it home from work early to see us off. He didn't make it in time but got to the airport on his motorcycle in time to join the family outside the fence around the runway and wave to us as we boarded the plane. We could see them following the plane down the runway, on the road that runs parallel, from the airplane window as we took off.
We ate our third meal of the day in the Athens airport where we had three hours to kill. Sushi for Ari and curry chicken noodles for me. It was airport food. We ambled to the gate and sat in the deserted lounge. There were no lines anywhere which was both unexpected and incredibly pleasant. When the empty lounge failed to fill I looked at the screen and found guest they had changed our gate. We hustled over to the new gate and waited. At boarding time they announced a delay die to mechanical issues. More news in an hour they said. After the first hour, they announced more news in another hour. I kept running out to try to message Will, who was expecting us at his London flat because the internet at the airport was horrible and at the gate nonexistent.
Finally, when the second hour was over they announced that they were boarding immediately. We had our fourth meal of the day on the plane; it made me nostalgic for the airport food, though perhaps that was because I was less hungry.
We had an uneventful flight thereafter, followed by baggage claim and immigration. The officer was skeptical of my two night stay and asked a few questions. He snorted when I told him we'd been in Greece foot a month. Repeated "A month?" in a gone dropping with disapproval and stamped our passports. I didn't stay to argue about whatever assumptions her made about us.
By the time we arrived at Will's it was 12:30. Ari fell asleep on the floor.
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