When we finally got out Eleni, who had heard of our mishaps yesterday and offered to drive us to Myrties was out. We had already missed the bus at 10 so we caught the 11 that goes to Prothia. We ate lunch in town and went to the small archaeological museum. The museum was high on a hill on the edge of the city. It took us far longer to walk there than it took to see the museum.
When we got home Eleni was disappointed not to have given us a ride in the morning. She is planning to drive us places tomorrow and the next day. She made home made ice cream this afternoon which she served right after I ate the rice pudding that Ari left a few days ago. Don't tell my wife that I have cheated on my diet today.
Several times today Ari told me that I won the dad of the year award. I have three theories about what's going on (1) He's actually just happy to have such a great parent (2) He's buttering me up to try to get the cat that he and his brothers have been begging me for or (3) He's so impressed and grateful that I've been so lax with the screen time rules since he's become enthralled with this computer game on his tablet. So either he wants something or it has nothing to do with that and either he likes my parenting because it's good or he likes my parenting because it's bad.
A Note About Greek Insects
The first night we were on Kalymnos we had an insect problem. There were ants on the bedroom floor. Our hosts came and sprayed but Ari refused to sleep in the room. He's been sleeping on the couch ever since, despite the fact that I have not seen an ant in days.
The second night I was sitting outside with the family, the kids, assorted friends of the family, all happily chatting from about 7 until 10 PM. About an hour in someone thought they saw a mosquito. There was much consternation. A citronella scented item was burned. Electronic insect repellants were plugged in case it got inside the house (not that the screenless windows were closed). Ari tried to explain Michigan mosquitoes but I don't think that anyone believed him.
Yesterday I got my first mosquito bite on Kalymnos but it barely itched.
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